
The Cardiff Capital Region is acknowledged as one of the UK’s largest Creative centres outside of London. With more than 1300 media firms, 600 of which are in Film and TV, contributing approx. £360 million GVA – the sector has become a growth engine for the regional economy. Characterised by a high proportion of sole traders and freelancers, those employed in the Creative sector comprise around 7% of the region’s workforce and represent one of highest sectoral employment concentrations in the UK. Since 2016, 34% of all new jobs in the UK’s media sector have been located in the CCR. A recent ‘Clwster’ report for Wales suggested that 80% of creative industries activities are concentrated in South Wales, with Cardiff at its core.
The region has become the place where creative companies and talent flourish – a recognised centre for TV and film production, home to BAFTA, Emmy and RTS award-winning businesses that are pushing the creative envelope domestically and globally, with fast developing international trade links and pioneering workforce training initiatives.
Key to the growth of the Creative sector within the region, and more specifically Film and TV production, is the world-class studio capacity at BBC, Bad Wolf, Dragon and Seren Studios to name just a few. The region is now one of the top global destinations for Film and TV production; and at one point in 2020 was the busiest screen production hub in Europe. In addition to Film and TV, the region has strengths in broadcast media, digital content, home grown music and boasts a vibrant, and growing gaming sector.
• Actors, entertainers and presenters
• Arts officers, producers and directors
• Programmers and software development professionals
• IT specialist managers
• Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors
• Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators
• Architects
• Graphic designers
• Musicians
• SFX/VFX coordinators
• Cinematographer
• Stunt Performers
• Location Managers
• Editors/Script Editors/Supervisors
• Storyboard Artists
The CCRSP Creative Cluster group identified the following opportunities & challenges for the CCRSP Employment & Skills Plan 2022-2025.
• Continue to develop a cohesive skills strategy for the Creative sector, ensuring engagement with smaller productions to identify their skills challenges, and also remaining cognisant of the growth in both the gaming and music industries.
• Explore the potential of a Creative sector specific work shadowing programme across Wales to ensure a coordinated approach to both work experience and trainee placements, which will support increased accessibility to the sector for new entrants
• Expand the range and flexibility of bite sized learning and CPD training available to the Creative workforce through initiatives such as the Personal Learning Account (PLA) programme, Shared Apprenticeship Scheme and developing Skills Academies
• Increase the usage of Labour Market Intelligence, to identify skills gaps, shortages and recruitment trends across the Creative sector, and inform the delivery of post-16 training provision
• Develop stronger links with Creative Wales to improve the responsiveness and future proofing of the sector for potential high end TV and Film productions filming the region
• Further research the skills needs and support required for virtual productions and the integration of skills from the gaming industry to support other industries within the Creative sector
• Improve collaboration within the sector through a coordinated and regularly updated schedule of productions being filmed across the region and in the pipeline, to plan for potential skills gaps and labour shortages i.e production crew
• Map the transferable skills of the regions Creative workforce to ensure sustainability of careers within the sector and a reduction in the loss of talent out of the sector or to other regions
• Screen Alliance Wales -
• Gorilla -
• University Of South Wales -
• Mad Dog -
• Sgil Cymru -
• University of South Wales -
• Cardiff City Council -
• Yetti Television -
• IJPR Cymru -
• Creative Wales -
• Coleg y Cymoedd -
• S4C -
• Ffilm Cymru Wales -
• Dragon Studios -
• CCR City Deal Office -
• Media Academy Cymru -